graph | Tujuan PlayableGraph yang akan memiliki AnimasiScriptPlayable. |
job | IAnimationJob untuk mengeksekusi saat memproses playable. |
inputCount | Jumlah input yang dapat dimainkan. |
Sitemap AnimationScriptPlayable baru terkait dengan AnimationScriptPlayable.PlayableGraph.
Buat AnimationScriptPlayable di PlayableGraph.
Playable ini berisi pekerjaan yang mengimplementasikan IAnimationJob. Antarmuka ini mendefinisikan dua metode yang akan disebut saat memproses PlayableGraph.
Berikut adalah contoh cara membuat AnimationScriptPlayable dengan IAnimationJob sederhana:
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Animations;
public struct AnimationJob : IAnimationJob { public int userData;
public void ProcessRootMotion(AnimationStream stream) { // This method is called during the root motion process pass. }
public void ProcessAnimation(AnimationStream stream) { // This method is called during the animation process pass. Debug.Log(string.Format("Value of the userData: {0}", userData)); } }
[RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] public class AnimationScriptExample : MonoBehaviour { PlayableGraph m_Graph; AnimationScriptPlayable m_AnimationScriptPlayable;
void OnEnable() { m_Graph = PlayableGraph.Create("AnimationScriptExample"); var output = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(m_Graph, "ouput", GetComponent<Animator>());
var animationJob = new AnimationJob(); m_AnimationScriptPlayable = AnimationScriptPlayable.Create(m_Graph, animationJob);
output.SetSourcePlayable(m_AnimationScriptPlayable); m_Graph.Play(); }
void Update() { var animationJob = m_AnimationScriptPlayable.GetJobData<AnimationJob>(); ++animationJob.userData; m_AnimationScriptPlayable.SetJobData(animationJob); }
void OnDisable() { m_Graph.Destroy(); } }
Lihat Juga: IAnimationJob, AnimatorJobExtensions.