Membuat batch
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Membuat perintah menggambar

Untuk membuat perintah menggambar, gunakan callback BatchRendererGroup.OnPerformCulling. Secara spesifik, Anda menggunakan parameter BatchCullingOutput callback. Parameter ini mengandung NativeArray dengan elemen tunggal. Tata letak ini berarti Anda dapat secara langsung memodifikasi isi elemen array tanpa data penyalinan Unity. Elemen di NativeArray adalah bangunan BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands yang mengandung perintah menggambar sebenarnya.

Implementasi OnPerformCulling Anda dapat menghasilkan banyak atau beberapa perintah menggambar seperti yang Anda inginkan. Implementasi sederhana yang hanya menggunakan satu meshGrafik utama primitif Unity. Mesh membuat sebagian besar dunia 3D Anda. Unity mendukung mesh poligon triangulat atau Quadrangulasi. Nurbs, Nurms, permukaan Subdiv harus dikonversi ke poligon. More info
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dan material hanya dapat menghasilkan perintah menggambar tunggal, implementasi yang lebih kompleks bisa menghasilkan ribuan, masing-masing dengan jala dan bahan yang berbeda.

Note: Untuk memberikan fleksibilitas maksimum, Unity tidak mengalokasikan array di BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands output struct dan menyimpannya sebagai pointer baku sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah mengalokasikan mereka dan menggunakannya dari pekerjaan. Anda harus mengalokasikan array menggunakan UnsafeUtility.Malloc dengan aokator Allocator.TempJob. Callback tidak boleh melepaskan memori. Sebaliknya, Unity melepaskan memori setelah selesai rendering menggunakan perintah menggambar.

Lihat sampel kode berikut untuk contoh cara membuat perintah menggambar. Sampel kode ini membangun pada satu di Membuat batch.

using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public class SimpleBRGExample : MonoBehaviour
    public Mesh mesh;
    public Material material;

    private BatchRendererGroup m_BRG;

    private GraphicsBuffer m_InstanceData;
    private BatchID m_BatchID;
    private BatchMeshID m_MeshID;
    private BatchMaterialID m_MaterialID;

    // Some helper constants to make calculations more convenient.
    private const int kSizeOfMatrix = sizeof(float) * 4 * 4;
    private const int kSizeOfPackedMatrix = sizeof(float) * 4 * 3;
    private const int kSizeOfFloat4 = sizeof(float) * 4;
    private const int kBytesPerInstance = (kSizeOfPackedMatrix * 2) + kSizeOfFloat4;
    private const int kExtraBytes = kSizeOfMatrix * 2;
    private const int kNumInstances = 3;

    // The PackedMatrix is a convenience type that converts matrices into
    // the format that Unity-provided SRP shaders expect.
    struct PackedMatrix
        public float c0x;
        public float c0y;
        public float c0z;
        public float c1x;
        public float c1y;
        public float c1z;
        public float c2x;
        public float c2y;
        public float c2z;
        public float c3x;
        public float c3y;
        public float c3z;

        public PackedMatrix(Matrix4x4 m)
            c0x = m.m00;
            c0y = m.m10;
            c0z = m.m20;
            c1x = m.m01;
            c1y = m.m11;
            c1z = m.m21;
            c2x = m.m02;
            c2y = m.m12;
            c2z = m.m22;
            c3x = m.m03;
            c3y = m.m13;
            c3z = m.m23;

    private void Start()
        m_BRG = new BatchRendererGroup(this.OnPerformCulling, IntPtr.Zero);
        m_MeshID = m_BRG.RegisterMesh(mesh);
        m_MaterialID = m_BRG.RegisterMaterial(material);


    private void AllocateInstanceDateBuffer()
        m_InstanceData = new GraphicsBuffer(GraphicsBuffer.Target.Raw,
            BufferCountForInstances(kBytesPerInstance, kNumInstances, kExtraBytes),

    private void PopulateInstanceDataBuffer()
        // Place a zero matrix at the start of the instance data buffer, so loads from address 0 return zero.
        var zero = new Matrix4x4[1] { };

        // Create transform matrices for three example instances.
        var matrices = new Matrix4x4[kNumInstances]
            Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-2, 0, 0)),
            Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)),
            Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(2, 0, 0)),

        // Convert the transform matrices into the packed format that shaders expects.
        var objectToWorld = new PackedMatrix[kNumInstances]
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[0]),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[1]),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[2]),

        // Also create packed inverse matrices.
        var worldToObject = new PackedMatrix[kNumInstances]
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[0].inverse),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[1].inverse),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[2].inverse),

        // Make all instances have unique colors.
        var colors = new Vector4[kNumInstances]
            new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1),
            new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1),
            new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1),

        // In this simple example, the instance data is placed into the buffer like this:
        // Offset | Description
        //      0 | 64 bytes of zeroes, so loads from address 0 return zeroes
        //     64 | 32 uninitialized bytes to make working with SetData easier, otherwise unnecessary
        //     96 | unity_ObjectToWorld, three packed float3x4 matrices
        //    240 | unity_WorldToObject, three packed float3x4 matrices
        //    384 | _BaseColor, three float4s

        // Calculates start addresses for the different instanced properties. unity_ObjectToWorld starts at 
        // address 96 instead of 64 which means 32 bits are left uninitialized. This is because the 
        // computeBufferStartIndex parameter requires the start offset to be divisible by the size of the source
        // array element type. In this case, it's the size of PackedMatrix, which is 48.
        uint byteAddressObjectToWorld = kSizeOfPackedMatrix * 2;
        uint byteAddressWorldToObject = byteAddressObjectToWorld + kSizeOfPackedMatrix * kNumInstances;
        uint byteAddressColor = byteAddressWorldToObject + kSizeOfPackedMatrix * kNumInstances;

        // Upload the instance data to the GraphicsBuffer so the shader can load them.
        m_InstanceData.SetData(zero, 0, 0, 1);
        m_InstanceData.SetData(objectToWorld, 0, (int)(byteAddressObjectToWorld / kSizeOfPackedMatrix), objectToWorld.Length);
        m_InstanceData.SetData(worldToObject, 0, (int)(byteAddressWorldToObject / kSizeOfPackedMatrix), worldToObject.Length);
        m_InstanceData.SetData(colors, 0, (int)(byteAddressColor / kSizeOfFloat4), colors.Length);

        // Set up metadata values to point to the instance data. Set the most significant bit 0x80000000 in each
        // which instructs the shader that the data is an array with one value per instance, indexed by the instance index.
        // Any metadata values that the shader uses and not set here will be zero. When such a value is used with
        // UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP (i.e. without a default), the shader interprets the
        // 0x00000000 metadata value and loads from the start of the buffer. The start of the buffer which is
        // is a zero matrix so this sort of load is guaranteed to return zero, which is a reasonable default value.
        var metadata = new NativeArray<MetadataValue>(3, Allocator.Temp);
        metadata[0] = new MetadataValue { NameID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_ObjectToWorld"), Value = 0x80000000 | byteAddressObjectToWorld, };
        metadata[1] = new MetadataValue { NameID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_WorldToObject"), Value = 0x80000000 | byteAddressWorldToObject, };
        metadata[2] = new MetadataValue { NameID = Shader.PropertyToID("_BaseColor"), Value = 0x80000000 | byteAddressColor, };

        // Finally, create a batch for the instances, and make the batch use the GraphicsBuffer with the
        // instance data, as well as the metadata values that specify where the properties are. 
        m_BatchID = m_BRG.AddBatch(metadata, m_InstanceData.bufferHandle);

    // Raw buffers are allocated in ints. This is a utility method that calculates
    // the required number of ints for the data.
    int BufferCountForInstances(int bytesPerInstance, int numInstances, int extraBytes = 0)
        // Round byte counts to int multiples
        bytesPerInstance = (bytesPerInstance + sizeof(int) - 1) / sizeof(int) * sizeof(int);
        extraBytes = (extraBytes + sizeof(int) - 1) / sizeof(int) * sizeof(int);
        int totalBytes = bytesPerInstance * numInstances + extraBytes;
        return totalBytes / sizeof(int);

    private void OnDisable()

    public unsafe JobHandle OnPerformCulling(
        BatchRendererGroup rendererGroup,
        BatchCullingContext cullingContext,
        BatchCullingOutput cullingOutput,
        IntPtr userContext)
        // UnsafeUtility.Malloc() requires an alignment, so use the largest integer type's alignment
        // which is a reasonable default.
        int alignment = UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<long>();

        // Acquire a pointer to the BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands struct so you can easily
        // modify it directly.
        var drawCommands = (BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands*)cullingOutput.drawCommands.GetUnsafePtr();

        // Allocate memory for the output arrays. In a more complicated implementation, you would calculate
        // the amount of memory to allocate dynamically based on what is visible.
        // This example assumes that all of the instances are visible and thus allocates
        // memory for each of them. The necessary allocations are as follows:
        // - a single draw command (which draws kNumInstances instances)
        // - a single draw range (which covers our single draw command)
        // - kNumInstances visible instance indices.
        // You must always allocate the arrays using Allocator.TempJob.
        drawCommands->drawCommands = (BatchDrawCommand*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<BatchDrawCommand>(), alignment, Allocator.TempJob);
        drawCommands->drawRanges = (BatchDrawRange*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<BatchDrawRange>(), alignment, Allocator.TempJob);
        drawCommands->visibleInstances = (int*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(kNumInstances * sizeof(int), alignment, Allocator.TempJob);
        drawCommands->drawCommandPickingInstanceIDs = null;

        drawCommands->drawCommandCount = 1;
        drawCommands->drawRangeCount = 1;
        drawCommands->visibleInstanceCount = kNumInstances;

        // This example doens't use depth sorting, so it leaves instanceSortingPositions as null.
        drawCommands->instanceSortingPositions = null;
        drawCommands->instanceSortingPositionFloatCount = 0;

        // Configure the single draw command to draw kNumInstances instances
        // starting from offset 0 in the array, using the batch, material and mesh
        // IDs registered in the Start() method. It doesn't set any special flags.
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].visibleOffset = 0;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].visibleCount = kNumInstances;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].batchID = m_BatchID;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].materialID = m_MaterialID;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].meshID = m_MeshID;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].submeshIndex = 0;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].splitVisibilityMask = 0xff;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].flags = 0;
        drawCommands->drawCommands[0].sortingPosition = 0;

        // Configure the single draw range to cover the single draw command which
        // is at offset 0.
        drawCommands->drawRanges[0].drawCommandsBegin = 0;
        drawCommands->drawRanges[0].drawCommandsCount = 1;

        // This example doesn't care about shadows or motion vectors, so it leaves everything
        // at the default zero values, except the renderingLayerMask which it sets to all ones
        // so Unity renders the instances regardless of mask settings.
        drawCommands->drawRanges[0].filterSettings = new BatchFilterSettings { renderingLayerMask = 0xffffffff, };

        // Finally, write the actual visible instance indices to the array. In a more complicated
        // implementation, this output would depend on what is visible, but this example
        // assumes that everything is visible.
        for (int i = 0; i < kNumInstances; ++i)
            drawCommands->visibleInstances[i] = i;

        // This simple example doesn't use jobs, so it returns an empty JobHandle.
        // Performance-sensitive applications are encouraged to use Burst jobs to implement
        // culling and draw command output. In this case, this function returns a
        // handle here that completes when the Burst jobs finish.
        return new JobHandle();

Ini adalah contoh akhir, lengkap, kode untuk BRG. Jika Anda melampirkan Komponen ini ke GameObjectObjek mendasar dalam adegan Unity, yang dapat mewakili karakter, props, pemandangan, kamera, waypoints, dan banyak lagi. Fungsi GameObject didefinisikan oleh Komponen yang melekat padanya. More info
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, atur bahan mesh dan Login Login-kompatibel di InspectorJendela Unity yang menampilkan informasi tentang Pengaturan GameObject yang dipilih saat ini, aset atau proyek, memungkinkan Anda untuk memeriksa dan mengedit nilai. More info
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, dan masukkan Mode Play, render Unity tiga kasus mesh menggunakan bahan.

Membuat batch
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